He is currently working on a new book — hopefully out in the world by mid 2025.
Each book has a companion audiobook, a dream he had ever since he was a kid getting lost listening to books on audio cassettes. He narrates, performs, and composed a soundtrack for a truly immersive experience.
Ian lives in southeast Michigan with his wife and sons.
Facebook: iantm.books
Twitter: iantm_books
Instagram: iantm_books
Web: iantm.com
The best ways to support an independent author:
- Buy their books.
- Give them feedback. Find me on twitter and @ me!
- Tell your friends. Hopefully see #1.
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- Sign up for my mailing list. So you know when new work is arriving.
My books are on Amazon & Goodreads. Reviews, even a short one, can help a lot!
I love feedback from younger readers as well as adults — I hope that parents and kids will read these together or at the same time, and love hearing both perspectives.